Forbidden Bestiary: Creatures of Shadow

You may be familiar with the Dungeon Master’s Guild that Wizards of the Coast recently launched. The Guild allows D&D players to create and sell content for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. They get access to art resources for free to use in their documents, and they can even use the Forgotten Realms setting in any way they wish.

Anyway, I recently published my first DM’s Guild PDF: Forbidden Bestiary: Creatures of Shadow. It contains 26 new monsters with a horror theme and 4 monster templates so DM’s can customize their own spooky critters. I hope to release more Forbidden Bestiary supplements with different themes in the future. For now, however, here are some preview images of Creatures of Shadow:

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Introduction to Esterwatch

Esterwatch is a Steampunk-Fantasy setting I’ve had swimming around in my head for a while. So I’ve decided to have some fun and post some information about it on my blog here. And to make it fun for everyone, I’ll even write up some stuff to make it compatible with Green Ronin’s Fantasy AGE ruleset.

This post is just a broad overview/introduction to the setting.

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Thoughts on Designing a Shonen Anime RPG

Lately, I’ve been brainstorming ideas for a tabletop role-playing game that tries to capture the feel of shonen action anime. By that I’m referring to stuff like Dragonball Z, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail, etc. The kind of shows where you can overcoming any problem by training for a few days and shouting at the top of your lungs counts as dialogue.

So, here’s some thoughts on the combat system I’ve been mentally playing around with.

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D&D 5e: Naval Combat

If you are one of the two people who reads this blog, you may be aware of my Dungeons and Dragons campaign, the Endless Sea.

Now, The Endless Sea is a naval-based campaign, and as such there needs to be ship-to-ship combat at some point. In this post, I’ll be writing down an untested Naval Combat system for use with 5e.

Three things to note before I begin. 1) This is not a historically accurate system. My primary inspiration is the naval combat in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. 2) This system may not necessarily require a grid-map, but it makes it much easier. 3) Mechanically, I am taking inspiration from 4e’s Skill Challenge rules.

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