Where I’ve Been

You know, I’d completely forgotten about this site.

Looking at the stats, it seems that a lot of people still come here to read about my D&D campaign and homebrew. That’s actually kind of awesome. The Endless Sea campaign ended a long time ago, sadly not with a bang but a whimper. I started suffering bad burnout, we took a break, started it up again, and the burnout hadn’t gone away, so it all just kind of… stopped.

So what have I been doing since 2016? Well, I actually have a new site now: Seann Writes Stuff. It’s full of fiction and poetry and whatnot and I highly recommend you check it out. And if it’s tales of D&D adventure you want, then I recommend specifically reading my webnovel Corvus Aiaar: Hero of Destiny, a tongue-in-cheek fantasy adventure set in a very D&D-inspired world.

I’m actually blown away that this site still gets traffic, years after it stopped updating. That’s awesome! I wish I’d been able to finish up The Endless Sea. But I hope that at the very least my new stuff over on Seann Writes Stuff makes up for it.

See you there!